Good Friday Thoughts

Good Friday Thoughts

Not that long ago, in 1956, the city of New york, as well as many other cities in the US, had no problem displaying and celebrating Good Friday, as well as Resurrection Sunday. These three buildings in New York, from left to right the City Services Co., City Bank...
American Logos Debate Team

American Logos Debate Team

If you are a mature debater, and even more importantly, a mature Christian, The American Logos Debate team may be something for you to consider. The style of debate is called “World School” and can be described as a 3 on 3 Parli style. But it goes even...
Phoenix My Eye

Phoenix My Eye

Let’s play a game of “Find The Differences.” In the picture above, which is a scan of my left and right eyes, there are a few things that don’t match. See how many you can find. The pictures are as if you were looking at me, so the scan on the...
US/UK and Pharmaceuticals

US/UK and Pharmaceuticals

For those of you running a US/UK FTA, there are still disagreements concerning pharmaceuticals, but an agreement is getting close, but not till 2024. This article in Endpoint News will explain. This issue in a nutshell is that with Brexit, the UK was no longer part of...